Turtle news!

WWF, 2021 Sea Turtles WWF Wall Calendar : Amazon.co.uk: Stationery & Office  Supplies

My aim was for the children to raise £36 pounds so we could sponsor one turtle, you have totally smashed that target! Meadow 1 have raised about £3oo!! Can you believe it. This is far more than I could ever have imagined and I can’t thank you enough. Please pass on thanks to other family members and friends who have contributed. I am just finalising how best to use this money and am waiting to hear back from the WWF. I am hoping for a sponsership that continues throughout the children’s time at Damers and may also include other animals that link to their future areas of learning.

Stay and Den Build

I am very excited to see you all again in school on Wednesday morning for Stay and Den Build! When you drop off on Wednesday you can come with your child into the classroom and have the chance to look at some of the work they have done this year. Once you have had a look at the books we will go outside to Den Build! Can’t wait!!

Wild Flowers

The children are enjoying finding out about wild flowers and are starting to learn some of their names. Last week we found lots of them in the school grounds and enjoyed sketching and painting them whilst listening to some lovely music.

Wild flower trip

We had a fantastic trip this morning and once again the Meadow 1 children were super stars! Thank you to all who were able to help. Your lovely children learnt so much from Miles King who is a wild flower expert. They also collected buttercup seeds and scattered them on the Great Field as they walked back to school. I am sure they will all sleep well tonight!

Trip on Friday

We have the first of three trips on Friday and I am very keen to get some volunteers to help. We will be visitng Poundbury Hillfort with Miles King who is a wildflower expert. The weather looks good and it is such a great trip. If you can help please let me know on the gate or email me at year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk