This half term we have been looking at swirls, we’ve identified where you might find them in the natural environment and had a go at making our own!

Exploring and Learning
This half term we have been looking at swirls, we’ve identified where you might find them in the natural environment and had a go at making our own!
Welcome to our virtual library!
Click the link above to access the library where you will find topic specific books to listen to at home! You may find some other surprises too!
We have had great fun this week writing instructions to prepare a hot cross bun for our class puppet. We also thought about size, ask us if we can tell you what length means …
We looked great today in our vocabulary outfits. We even had a parade!
What a fab first week we have had back in school!
Inside the classroom we have been exploring fossils and dinosaurs. We have also been reminding ourselves about good sharing and kind hands and having lots of time to catch up with our friends.
Outside we have also been playing nicely with each other remembering to take turns and share.
We had great fun on a tricky dinosaur hunt this week 🙂
Thank you for all your EExAT submissions. Keep them coming!
Just a little message to remind you that this week if you attend the Wednesday or Thursday small group sessions this week they will take place at 11am. I am so sorry for the change of time but hope this can work for you too!
Please contact me at if there are any problems.
Thank you
Thank you for all of your amazing pictures on EExAT, it is great to see all the learning that is happening at home. If you haven’t uploaded anything yet there is still time. It would be great to see at least one or two pieces a week from each of you! We are working really hard here at Damers to provide some great remote learning content whist simultaneously teach the children who cannot stay at home. Seeing what you have been doing at home is a great way of monitoring your child’s engagement in the learning that we have planned for them.
Take a look at some of the fab work that has been happening this week at school and at home!
Don’t forget to access all home learning now please look at the following blog …
Please upload the work you have been doing at home on EExAT!
Thank you 🙂
What a strange week to start 2021! I hope you have been working hard at home with your grown ups. I have seen lots of fab work on EExAT which I am really pleased about. Check out some of our work at home and school below 🙂
From Monday we will be using a Foundation year group blog for you to access all of your child’s remote learning provision. The Meadow Class blog will still be here but we will only post here on a Friday to celebrate the children’s work. Continue to check here to see what the children have been doing at home and school every Friday.
The Foundation year group blog will provide you with homemade videos filmed by your favourite Foundation teachers, teaching you just as they would in school. You’ll find a daily phonics session, Maths and Literacy videos, links and games.
There will be a specific page on the year group blog where you’ll be able to find Google Meet links to meet with your teacher virtually everyday too. We will be meeting you for story time every day and we will meet with small groups of children over the course of the week. Please wait for more information to follow about our virtual meetings.
You can find the new Foundation year group blog here …
We will be working on this blog over the weekend but will be ready to view in all its glory by Monday morning.