This week we have been thinking about numbers to 10. We’ve been ordering them, comparing them and using the vocabulary below to compare groups. See if you can use some of these words with your child this weekend to support their learning in school.

Exploring and Learning
This week we have been thinking about numbers to 10. We’ve been ordering them, comparing them and using the vocabulary below to compare groups. See if you can use some of these words with your child this weekend to support their learning in school.
This week we created our class charter to help Meadow 1 be the best place to be! We thought about our harmony principles and talked about what these mean to us in school. The children are already showing they understand the importance of our charter – well done Meadow 1!
Each week one child is chosen to get a Golden Butterfly from Mrs Smith. This week we were looking for a child who had settled particularly well into Year 1. I have to say the whole class have done this and it was really hard to pick just one. This young lady has had the most brilliant start to the year and we are all really proud of her! Congratulations!
In Art this half term, we are looking at portraits and exploring different techniques. Today we drew self portraits, looking carefully in mirrors and learning about where to draw our facial features. Your children are very artistic!
Once we had all finished, we put on some relaxing music and wandered around the classroom to admire everyone’s masterpieces! Next week we’ll be adding colour.
This week we started reading a wonderful book called “Not a box!”. The children had great fun using their imaginations to decide what their box could be. I wonder if you can guess? Was it a rocket, a cave, a car, an umbrella or even a horse box!!
This half term we will be thinking about how being outside in nature can make us feel good! Our virtual library will help your child explore the question. To discover some of these brilliant books, click on the link and choose a book you would like to listen too. There is also a virtual library tab on the menu at the top where you can find all the libraries as we go through the year.
We have really enjoyed getting to know your amazing children this week! They have been fabulous and are all settling in well to a new classroom and routines. I am almost there with learning their names but am afraid it will take me a little while to get quicker on the gate at the end of the day!
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday morning!
We are sports day experts now and can’t wait for the real thing!
We had great fun in our first activity for healthy week!
We’ve been looking at our natural environment this half term and we’ve been thinking about plants and crops. We had a go at planting our own seeds!