The Big Walk and Wheel

This starts on Monday and we will be recording how many children come to school using wheels or walking. If possible it would be great to get even more Meadow 1 pupils to come to school like this! We will be recording how we do on the gate each morning! Please talk to your child about the benefits to their health and the environment!

Sea Life Centre trip

Meadow 1 are really looking forward to their trip on Tuesday!

A couple of reminders…

Children should be wearing school uniform but trainers or other comfy foot wear are allowed.

If your child was down to have a hot school lunch on Tuesday then they will be provided with a packed lunch. If you want to send in a few additional items to eat with the school lunch please do. If you would rather send in a complete packed lunch from home that is also fine. Children will also need their drinks bottle. The children will need a small back pack to carry their food and drink in.

The weather is predicted to be showery and a little chilly, please make sure your child has a coat with them.