This week we used natural materials such as leaves and twigs to create art. We talked about how leaves and trees are really important in our lives and how we can look after and protect our trees.

Exploring and Learning
This week we used natural materials such as leaves and twigs to create art. We talked about how leaves and trees are really important in our lives and how we can look after and protect our trees.
I think you’ll all agree that we look fab today in our costumes!
Trips are going to be a little unconventional this year so we thought that we would take a special adventure to the school pond. We took a close look at the flora and fauna at the pond and even found a secret door!
Sorry for the delay in blog posts, I have had a few technical issues with this blog but I am hoping that all has been resolved now.
we had a fab first week back last week, it was great to see all our friends and settle back into routines!
Have a great break everybody. Please make sure you have a good rest and relax and if you do get the opportunity have a go at revising the sounds the children have been taught, blending games (see previous blog post for an idea) and lots and lots of counting!
See you soon!
All our sounds were hiding all around our playground today! The children had fun trying to find them and write them down when they did!
This half term break have a go at making your writing muscles strong by playing some of these fun games!
Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of the page to find some useful links to learning at home. I have updated them for the half term break so please find a few more songs and games for you to play at home on a rainy day 🙂
We have enjoyed matching objects to initial sounds this week!
Now we know 12 sounds we can start using our blending skills to read words. Miss Hudson plays a game with us in the classroom that we can play at home too, all we need is some sticky notes or flash cards and a pen! Each note or card has a sound on that we know and we can move them around to make words, once a word has been made we can see if one of the sounds can be replaced with another to make a whole new word! What a fab game to play over the half term break!