We were thrilled to see this member of M1 get her illustration in an actual book! Well done you! This was a DASP competition from last year. There will be some more this year…more details to follow soon!

Exploring and Learning
We were thrilled to see this member of M1 get her illustration in an actual book! Well done you! This was a DASP competition from last year. There will be some more this year…more details to follow soon!
The children have loved our new literacy block on Traditional Tales. This week we thought about the key features of these lovely stories.
A huge congratulations to this Meadow 1 super star who is always there for everyone!
In today’s art lesson we learnt all about the colour wheel and how to mix colours. I wonder if your child can tell you what the primary and secondary colours are?
On Thursday the children enjoyed having time on their scooters as their reward for being so fabulous!
We are all really proud of this Meadow 1 super star who never gives up!
Today your child is bringing home a game to help them read words that have split digraphs. If you would like to find out more so that you can support your child then please watch the video below.
Some children may need a little support to play the game but playing it several times will help their confidence grow.
Apologies if you have already looked at the virtual library for this terms big question. We had a look this morning and some of the video links were no longer working. I have sorted this out and they do now! A working PDF can be found in the virtual library tab/menu.
The last Golden Butterfly of the year was awarded to our wonderful stick man! What a performance she gave – congratulations!
The first Golden Butterfly of the year was awarded to our very own budding author who always takes on a challenge!
This week we have been writing stories in 5 sentences. To get us going we have used a picture. The children have learnt a simple structure – the first sentence needs to be a good opener such as Once upon a time or Long long ago. Then we used the words first, next, then and finally to start the following four sentences. The children have such great ideas! It is something you could try at home, find a great image and then see if you can come up with a five sentence story too! If you don’t fancy writing the story down you could just do it orally or even take it in turns to think of the next sentence which is great fun! The art of telling a story is just as important as being able to write it.
If possible try and extend one or two sentences by using the word and to link two ideas together.
This simple story structure helps the children learn how to sequence a short story and really grasp the concept of writing in sentences. Once they are confident with this they can add more detail and description.
Here is one we did together today whilst we ate our snacks!
Long long ago some animals decided to go on holiday! First they went to a sandy beach. Next they visited beautiful Wales. Then they travelled to a steamy jungle and climbed some vines. Finally they went back to the zoo and nobody had even noticed that they had been missing!
And one we looked at yesterday…
Once upon a time there was a diver who went on an adventure. First he spotted an orange octopus. Next he got pinched by a blue crab because he got too close! Then he spotted a huge blue whale. Finally he swam back to his boat.