Another member of Meadow 1 enjoying getting some sea air. It always makes me feel better too!

Exploring and Learning
Another member of Meadow 1 enjoying getting some sea air. It always makes me feel better too!
Look at these gorgeous pebbles and shells that Florence found on a trip to the seaside this weekend. I love the colours!
Some lovely home learning linked to our ocean’s topic!
Here are a few of the wonderful Meadow 1 butterflies from the last few weeks! Apologies for the delay in posting them!
Here is this half term’s virtual library. Click on the link to down load the PDF and then click on a book to hear it being read. I will also add them to the virtual library tab. Have a lovely weekend!
We are missing one copy of this book – one of the reading groups brought it home before the half term holiday. Please could you have a look and if you find it send it back in. Many Thanks.
We had a fantastic trip on Tuesday and the children really enjoyed it! They were so well behaved, it was a pleasure to take them out! Here are a few photos from the day.
Today the children enjoyed playing this game to help them with their maths we have been doing today. They asked me to put it on the blog.
Please click on the link to play
Meadow 1 are really looking forward to their trip on Tuesday!
A couple of reminders…
Children should be wearing school uniform but trainers or other comfy foot wear are allowed.
If your child was down to have a hot school lunch on Tuesday then they will be provided with a packed lunch. If you want to send in a few additional items to eat with the school lunch please do. If you would rather send in a complete packed lunch from home that is also fine. Children will also need their drinks bottle. The children will need a small back pack to carry their food and drink in.
The weather is predicted to be showery and a little chilly, please make sure your child has a coat with them.
Wow what a creative bunch you all are!