A few more lovely bits of home learning to share on the blog. Don’t forget to send any photos into year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk

Exploring and Learning
A few more lovely bits of home learning to share on the blog. Don’t forget to send any photos into year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk
It was a delight to award this week’s golden butterfly to this young lady for her contributions to our class charter. She was also able to discuss it eloquently with a visitor to our class! What a super star!
Today we talked about animals who hibernate. Then we battled the strong winds and worked as a team to try and make a shelter for some little bears! We’re going to try again once the wind drops!
On Friday, last week this young man was thrilled to be awarded the Golden Butterfly for making a super start to year 1!
Look at these delicious banana and chocolate muffins this young man made to take on his walk! Please do send any photos of home learning to year1@damers.dorset.sch.uk
This week we carried on working on out portraits. We learnt how to mix our skin colour and enjoyed finishing off the portratis. I think you’ll agree they are amazing!
Today we continued our exploration of 5 in nature. The children found out about the Horse Chestnut Tree and then drew the leaf. Hopefully they can tell you a few things about it.
Today your child will have brought home a school reading book. This week, they have worked really hard in school on the book and are SO excited to show off their reading to you at home. They should be able to read the book confidently to you and hopefully add a bit of expression too. Please celebrate this with your child and tell them what amazing reading they are doing!
This book MUST come back to school on Monday ready for another group to use next week. Their library book should also come back ready to be changed.
I will explain more about how we are teaching reading now at the Meet and Greet on Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Keys
In our Geometry this half term we are exploring 5 in nature. The children were fascinated to discover how much 5 appears in nature; petals on some flowers, the horse chestnut leave, star fish, the top of a tomato, the top of a seed head, and, their favourite one today – the secret star inside an apple! I wonder if they’ll tell you about that one! Today we went and explored the school grounds looking for that special 5!
This week we have been thinking about numbers to 10. We’ve been ordering them, comparing them and using the vocabulary below to compare groups. See if you can use some of these words with your child this weekend to support their learning in school.