Happy Friday Year 2!
This week we have been excited to share our class pledge which is linked to cycles. We are planning to grow sunflower seeds in recycled pots. If anyone is able to bring in any plastic bottles or something recycled which we could grow the seeds in that would be wonderful.
Thank you to all of you who came to our Stay and… this week. It was lovely to see so many of you and share the maths games that we have been enjoying in class.
If you were unable to make it, these are a selection of the dice games that we looked at to support number bonds, strategy and reasoning.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/fruityFractions/index.html
- Snakes and Ladders, Ludo etc. can play with 1 dice or 2 to challenge
- Ship, Captain, Treasure, Crew (see below)
- Place value (See below)