Remember remember the 5th November, gunpowder, treason and plot. In class, we enjoyed learning about why some people attend bonfire or firework nights on the 5th November. We learnt the story of Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot, using our history skills to find evidence and prove certain statements. If you’re attending a bonfire night, adults may find the following useful:
We’ve been reading the book ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers, celebrating the diversity of our planet.

In maths, we’ve continued to think about addition, using numberlines and column methods to helps us solve simple challenges.
Thank you for sharing the children’s Victorian learning with us so far; the Victorian project will span several weeks so please don’t feel rushed to get something in! We’re looking forward to celebrating the children’s work with them once it’s in.
We’ve continued thinking about different materials in science. The children are bringing home a challenge that can be adapted, looking at making a boat using tin foil.